“Bleeding gums, loose teeth, bad breath, receding and inflamed gums, teeth becoming longer, root exposure and sensitivity, gaps between teeth getting bigger, swollen gums, can’t bite down on things…”
These are all common symptoms of periodontal disease (“gum disease”). Over 90% of the Taiwan population and over 47% of the US population have periodontal disease of various degrees, according to the US CDC and TW MOHW. Periodontal disease will not heal on its own and cannot be treated by home remedy. If not treated by a periodontist, periodontal disease will lead to receding gums, tooth mobility, tooth loss, and other long term inflammatory diseases.
What is Periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease or periodontitis happens when the supportive tissues around the tooth become infected by oral bacteria. If not treated, this leads to continuous inflammation of the gum tissue and ultimately destruction of the bone around the tooth, causing the tooth to loosen, and eventually fall off.
Is periodontal disease contagious?
While periodontal disease is not contagious between different people, it can spread from one area of the mouth to other areas in the mouth and body. Once the periodontal bacteria travels into the bloodstream, it will start to cause inflammation in other systems of the body. Periodontal disease has been linked to multiple systemic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, just to name a few.
Will periodontal disease heal on its own?
“I treated my own periodontal disease,” a patient once said. But as a matter of fact, periodontal disease will not heal on its own. Even though some OTC dental products claim to be effective against removing tartar (hardened plaque), evidence based research shows that the only effective way to treat and fully recover from periodontal disease is through various phases of periodontal treatment as required, and maintaining good oral hygiene at home. Periodontal disease has very little symptoms early on, therefore it is easy to be dismissed as something unimportant. However, once symptoms do appear, such as tooth mobility, it is usually when the disease has progressed to a more severe stage.
How long does periodontal treatment take? How long is the treatment and how soon will it get better?
Every patient’s condition is different, therefore the treatment needed will also be different. If you are experiencing symptoms such as bleeding, receding, or swollen gums, tooth mobility of various degrees, consistent bad breath, or have a family history of periodontal diseases, we recommend that you seek an appointment with a periodontist for checkup and consultation to maintain the best long term oral health.
Please consult our dentists for more details.
Read More Bleeding gums and Loose Teeth